Welcome to the Willamette Valley Arms Collectors Association
Please take the time to look around and come to our meetings and gun shows. The Willamette Valley Arms Collectors Association (W.V.A.C.A.) meets once a month on the third Friday of the month. For information about the meeting location click here.
The Willamette Valley Arms Collectors Association holds two gun shows a year at the Lane County Events Center and Fair Grounds. It is the premiere gun show in Eugene, OR. The show is open to the public.
The Willamette Valley Arms Collectors Association was organized in 1967. Since the founding of W.V.A.C.A., regularly held gun shows have been a major club activity. The W.V.A.C.A. is currently holding one (1) gun show per year at the Lane County Events Center. The Lane County Events Center has been the site for Willamette Valley Arms Collectors Association Gun Shows for over 30 years. The Lane County Events Center is conveniently located at 796 W. 13th Avenue in Eugene, OR. There is plenty of parking at the facility. For directions to and a map of the Lane County Events Center & Expo Hall, click here.