Willamette Valley Arms Collectors Association
Gun Show Rules and Regulations
- W.V.A.C.A. requires compliance with and obedience to all federal, state and municipal firearms laws and ordinances.
- All transactions must take place INSIDE the building. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- No loaded firearms, magazines or speedloaders, either on the tables or on one's person, with the exception of on duty law enforcement officers and private security officers in contact with W.V.A.C.A.
- No bulk gunpowder, black powder, black powder substitutes or explosives. No loose cartridges near firearms for which they are intended.
- All firearms must have their actions tied open. Where that is impractical due to design, the action must be tied to make it inoperable. All detached magazines must be removed from a firearm before it is placed on a table.
- Any extended bayonets attached to firearms must be in a scabbard. If a bayonet has no scabbard, it must be folded against the stock or removed.
- Literature on the manufacture of unlawful explosive devices, silencers, full automatic fire arms, booby-traps, and/or illegal terrorist tactics, etc. is prohibited. All anti-Semitic, subversive, racist and hate literature are prohibited, as is any items not in the best interest of W.V.A.C.A. in the show managers opinion.
- Self defense spray must be in sealed packages. Laser and stun devices must have battery removed or not readily available to the public.
- No person under 18 years of age will be admitted unless accompanied by an adult, parent or guardian.
- No audio/visual equipment allowed without permission of show management.
- Show security reserves the right to inspect all bags, packages or containers entering or exiting the show.
- Vendor badges must be worn and are not transferable.
- Do not move tables. No items that protrude or extend into the aisle or breaks. No banners, racks. or walls that may obstruct overall vision throughout the show. No tape, staples or nails to be used on walls or curtains.
- Contents of all tables must be firearm, knife or sportsman related, or approved by show management.
- Tables revert back to W.V.A.C.A. when vacated, no subletting of tables.
- No alcoholic beverages, no candy or food sales.
- No animals or pets except service animals.
- No radios or televisions allowed without permission of show management.
W.V.A.C.A. disclaims any liability for any of the acts of its vendors, guests or visitors which might be construed to violate any laws, ordinances or regulations. It is the responsibility of each individual to become familiar with all laws applicable to firearms and ammunition and to abide by them at all W.V.A.C.A. shows. Willametle Valley Arms Collectors Association, Inc. will not assume, nor be held responsible for any degree of liability for loss from theft, personal injury, or other losses or accidents, or any illegal actions.
You can download the Show Rules in a PDF document. To get the file Click Here.